Life’s reflection

As I look at the first half of my Self I see the person that loves people no Matter What And will do anything for a person who I associate myself with .

As I evolve into a better version of me I’m starting to realize that People love to take your kindness for weakness so they figure that they can Walk all over You .

What Aggravated me the most is that people love to be a Bully because that’s all they know

, It a formality when you are a bully , I’m not the one for that .

I’m starting to learn that when people is Miserable ,the don’t know how to take it when they See You don’t Care about them 😘👍👍😘 .

Then the other Half of my self is the person you don’t want to me because she doesn’t play no Game That other half doesn’t care about you and your feelings 😔🥰😂